RIP Greentech Media … the Alternatives?

RIP Greentech Media … the Alternatives?

Last week Wood Mackenzie announced they were shutting down Greentech Media. GTM was the go-to resource for the energy transition over the past 5+ years and I was a daily visitor. The staff, content and research was high quality.

There are a number of new names that have popped up over the year:

Bloomberg Green – the climate and energy transition section of Bloomberg

Climatetech VC – a relatively new effort covering interviews and research topics around climate; also has weekly emails

Perhaps the most interesting part is that climate/renewable energy is covered more frequently in everyday publications as just “energy” or “lifestyle” news…. because that is exactly what these themes are… everyday, important news.

Either way, I still believe there is a place for a “GTM-equivalent” and based on a few separate conversations, it looks like some individuals in the ecosystem may look to bring the band together. If anyone is interested in supporting that effort, let me know and I will connect you to the relevant parties. (Note: Energize could be a customer, but not an investor!)

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