1 Year with Mark Tomasovic
I am a few days late here, but we had a fair amount happening over the last week!
Last week marked the one year anniversary of Mark Tomasovic’s start date with Energize. If a few years ago you had told me we would hire an Exxon chemical engineer as an investment Associate I would have thought you were crazy.
But Mark is a special individual. He is humble, thoughtful, and constantly learning. He wanted to change careers but join a team that respected both sides of the energy transition – and we were lucky to hire him. He is helping us identify the best practices of the carbon economy and bring those insights to the new energy economy. His network is additive to Energize’s existing relationships and his perspective on market trends, investments, and team building has made us stronger. He is also our lead Twitterer …
The Energize team: our firm, our portfolio, and our LPs are all the better with Mark on our side. His slope of learning is VERY high and I expect you all will see even more positive updates from him over the coming year.