Jupiter Intelligence’s growth covered by Washington Post
Jupiter Intelligence is a climate risk technology and analytics platform. Energize initially invested in the company in Q1 2019. We invested in Jupiter because we truly believe in Rich Sorkin and Eric Wun’s vision for the future of climate risk. As covered by Jeremy at the Washington Post yesterday, Jupiter’s vision and product are no longer a future requirement. Rather there is 10x year over year increase in demand for the company’s technology platform. Some snippets below:
Business booms at climate risk start-up as threat from extreme weather grows
By Jeremy Deaton – May 27, 2021
For most companies, the end of the pandemic has meant slowly getting back to normal. For Jupiter Intelligence, a climate risk start-up with headquarters in Silicon Valley, the recovery has led to a massive surge in business.
Jupiter helps companies gauge the threat that climate change poses to their bottom line, and it has seen a rush of new clients as business leaders look to the looming threat of extreme weather. Chief executive Rich Sorkin said Jupiter booked more than 10 times as many contracts in the first quarter of 2021 as it did in the first quarter of 2020.
“I think that the pandemic, for us, was a bit of a double-edged sword,” he said. “On the one hand, we had this near-death experience. On the other hand, once people got past the pandemic, they were like, ‘Oh, what else is there like this that we’re not worrying about that we should be worrying about?’ And climate change is at the top of that list.”
“It’s just like cybersecurity 10 years ago, when no one knew what cybersecurity was,” Sorkin said. “Now, there isn’t an entity on the planet that doesn’t have a cybersecurity or security solution that, in large part, depends on some third-party cybersecurity company. And this is going to be just like that.”