Team first

Team first

In September Energize held our 2-day marathon of events: the Energize NEXT Climate Software conference, and our Annual General Meeting. Before the day started at our conference we were able to sneak away for a quick team photo. That photo of the current team is below – and we have another 3 starting before year-end.

Finance firms have many stakeholders: teammates, entrepreneurs/portfolio executives, Limited Partners, co-investors and industry stakeholders. I’ve studied successful and failed finance firms. That research revealed to me the key differentiations between the high performing and enduring firms from those firms that fail. The simple answer is that the performant and enduring firms never stop placing the internal team as the priority. A performing and respectful team naturally identifies and supports investments and entrepreneurs. And ultimately those portfolio companies (with the support of the investors) create shareholder value that accrues to the Limited Partners/investors.

At Energize we have a truly amazing team, purpose built for the market opportunity we are serving in the climate market. We have a driven, respectful investment team that has repeatedly identified market leaders. We have an EDGE team strengthening our investment process and creating and preserving value for our portfolio. We have an operations team that knows our trajectory and is both precise in today’s operations while planning for the future.

Given the pace of change it is hard to stop and acknowledge the changes we’ve faced and overcome as a firm. I’m very excited for our current state, and more excited for what is coming next.

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