Labor Day: Thanks to the utility workforce
There are 540,000 employees tagged to the US utility industry. According to NAICS this definition includes:
- Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution: NAICS 2211
- Natural Gas Distribution: NAICS 2212
- Water, Sewage and Other Systems: NAICS 2213
The composition of this workforce is actually down by ~3% over the past decade. While I am uncertain on the future employment growth in the industry, I am certain that the underlying types of jobs (wind technicians, battery engineers) are going to change.
The majority of the current workers are front-line, either for installation, repair or meter reading. At times these workers have thankless jobs and are asked to work at all hours in response to storms and other difficult situations. There are many reasons to be thankful on Labor Day, but here is another to add to your list: if you see a utility worker, be sure to say thanks.